Kancheepuram, August 23: In a shocking incident, a 26-year-old man was allegedly hacked to death by a group of five men in Tamil Nadu’s Kancheepuram district on Saturday. The deceased has been identified as Prem Kumar. He was a resident of Verpedu village of the district. Kumar was also accused in a couple of crime cases. He was also reportedly involved in drug sales and sand mining in the area. Tamil Nadu Horror: Schoolgirl in Villupuram Burnt Alive by Two Men Allegedly Linked to Ruling AIADMK, Politicians Demand Severe Punishment.
According to a report published in The Times of India, the deceased was drinking with the five accused when the brawl erupted on Saturday. All the five accused hacked Kumar to death with a machete. The victim died on the spot as he sustained multiple injuries. Kumar died on the spot.
After receiving information about the crime, the police reached the spot. The body was sent to postmortem. An investigating officer told the media house that Kumar had enemies over illegal trade. Last week 10 men reportedly made a ruckus at his house. Kumar’s brother was also killed two years ago over the illegal trade deals. Tamil Nadu Horror: Dalit Girl Beheaded by Upper Caste Neighbour For Resisting Sexual Advances.
“Kumar also married a woman from a different community last year, and his wife’s family also picked up a quarrel with him last week,” reported TOI quoting the investigating officer as saying. A case has been registered in the matter. The police are investigating all the angles and have launched a manhunt operation to nab the accused.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 23, 2021 02:56 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).