Chennai, April 27: Amid the countrywide lockdown in place till May 3, a video of Tamil Nadu government officials raising walls across roads bordering Andhra Pradesh to stop movement of vehicles has come to sight. The video shows the walls built to a height of up to 7-ft in the two key entry and exit points on the Chittoor-Ponni-Chennai road and Chittoor-Gudiyatham road in Chittoor district.

According to a report, published by the India Today, the state government of Tamil nadu took this decision to raise the walls at Andhra border in order to regulate the movement of vehicles in the wake of second phase of lockdown. Also, restrictions of vehicular movement is in place at the state borders amid the lockdown, except for essential services. Chennai Shame: Ambulance, Commuters Stopped at Crossroad to Allow VIP Convoy to Pass, Watch Viral Video.

Here's the tweet by India Today:

As per to the official data, released by Union Health Ministry, both Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu have experienced a surge in COVID-19 positive cases in last couple of weeks. In AP 1097 people have been confirmed COVID-19 positive and 31 had died, while in Tamil Nadu 1002 people been confirmed COVID-19 positive and 26 people have died. Meanwhile, the country's total number of COVID-19 positive case sureged to 27892, with 872 deaths and 6185 recoveries.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 27, 2020 02:35 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website