Chennai, May 3: The Tamil Nadu government has launched a web portal for non-resident Tamils living in the coronavirus affected countries, who are intending to return the state, whenever air traffic is restored. The portal also intends to help those stranded in the state and the citizens of Tamil Nadu who are stuck in other parts of the country due to the nationwide COVID-19 lockdown. Karnataka Govt Launches 'Seva Sindhu' Portal For Migrants And Others Stranded Opting to Leave or Enter State; Here's How to Register at

"The registration is to ascertain the details of non- resident Tamils in different countries and for making quarantine arrangements in Tamil Nadu (upon their return). This initiative has been launched in the interest and well-being of the non-resident Tamils and their families living in the state," the release said. Punjab Govt Also Launches Portal For Migrants And Others Stranded Opting to Leave For Home States.

On visiting the website, the user can see three options: "Tamils living in other countries who wish to return to home land", "Tamils living in the other States who wish to return to home land", and "Other state people in Tamil Nadu who wish to return to their home land".

Based on their requirement, people need to choose if they wish to return to Tamil Nadu or travel to another destination from the state. The user needs to fill the required information and press on submit. The government will get back to the users via SMS, phone call or email.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 03, 2020 12:30 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website