Chennai, July 30: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin on Friday announced the extension of Covid-19 lockdown till August 9, without any further relaxations. The present lockdown comes to an end on July 31. Stalin chaired a meeting here to discuss the Covid-19 spread in Tamil Nadu and neighbouring states and the steps to be taken.
He said the meeting also discussed the risk of higher Covid spread due to gathering of people at certain places due to the relaxations announced earlier, and urged District Collectors and police officials to take strong action in case of lockdown violations. He also said officials can decide on closure of places where there is large gathering of people. COVID-19 Delta Variant May Spread as Easily as Chickenpox, Cause More Severe Infection: Reports.
Stalin also said that action can be taken against shops and other establishments that do not follow the safety protocol. Hoteliers had earlier expected the government to allow liquor bars to function in their properties or serve alcohol in guest rooms which would ease their financial crunch. They had pointed out that the government is allowing retail sales of liquor.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 30, 2021 08:56 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website