The Delhi police on Wednesday, July 24, said that they took action after receiving a complaint about a car seen on roads in Dwarka with a person dressed as Spiderman on its bonnet. Officials of Delhi police said that the person who was dressed as Spiderman and seen on the car's bonnet was identified as Aditya (20), a resident of Najafgarh. They also said that the driver of the vehicle was identified as Gaurav Singh (19), a resident of Mahavir Enclave. "The owner and driver of the vehicle have been prosecuted for dangerous driving, driving without a pollution certificate, and not wearing a seatbelt, with a possible maximum fine of Rs. 26,000 and/or imprisonment or both," the Delhi police said. Earlier, a video of the man dressed as a superhero and performing dangerous stunts on a moving car had surfaced online. 'Spider-Man' Fined in Delhi: Youth Along With Female Friend Performs Dangerous Bike Stunt Wearing Superhero Costume in Najafgarh, Police Impose Fine After Video Goes Viral.

Man Riding on Car's Bonnet As Spiderman Arrested

Police Take Action After Viral Video Surfaces (Trigger Warning)

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