Moradabad, October 29: Police in Moradabad district of Uttar Pradesh on Thursday said it busted a sex racket and arrested three people, including a couple. A girl reportedly from Delhi helped cops bust the sex racket being run from a house in an area under Majhola police station. A minor girl was rescued from the house. The couple from Delhi is suspected to be the kingpin of the flesh trade which was busted. Uttar Pradesh: 23-Year-Old Student Tortured And Killed in Moradabad District.

According to a report by Times of India, a team of police personnel found a girl in a "terrible state" on a Moradabad road on Wednesday night. She told cops that a couple had brought her to Uttar Pradesh on pretext of giving her a job. However, she was forced into prostitution, she alleged. Based on the information provided by her, cops conducted raids and eventually nabbed three suspects from a house. Police Busts Sex Racket in MP's Gwalior, 13 Arrested.

"Based on the information provided by the girl, teams were formed to nab the culprits. Three people - a couple and their driver - were apprehended. A minor girl was rescued from the house," Moradabad Superintendent of Police Amit Kumar Anand was quoted as saying. "The girls were brought by the couple from Delhi who assured them of a job. However, the girls were sent to different hotels to serve clients," he added.

During the raid, police recovered mobile phones, Aadhaar cards and a four-wheeler from the possession of the couple and their driver. All three have been booked under Sections 363 (punishment for kidnapping), 366-A (procuration of minor girl), 372 (selling minor for purposes of prostitution, etc) and 373 (buying minor for purposes of prostitution, etc) of the Indian Penal Code. Cops were conducting further investigation to know if other people were also involved in the sex racket.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 29, 2021 09:40 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website