Villupuram, March 28: In a unique event at a temple in Villupuram, Tamil Nadu, nine lemons spiked on the sacred spear of the deity fetched Rs 2.36 lakh at an auction held on Tuesday. The lemons are believed to possess magical powers, and consuming lemonade made from them is thought to cure infertility and bring prosperity.

According to a report in TOI, the temple, dedicated to Lord Muruga, is renowned for its sacred lemons. During the annual Panguni Uthiram festival, scores of childless couples and businessmen flock to the temple, located at the confluence of two hillocks in Tiruvanainallur village. They vie for the lemons auctioned by the temple management, hoping to seek blessings for fertility and business prosperity. Impregnate Childless Woman For Rs 13 Lakh Scam in Bihar: ‘All India Pregnant Job Agency’ Promises Money For Impregnating Woman Unable to Conceive in Nawada, Eight Arrested.

Over the nine-day festival, a lemon is spiked on the deity’s spear each day. The lemons are auctioned on the last day, with the first lemon of the festival considered the most auspicious and powerful. This year, a couple from Kulathur village secured the prized first lemon for Rs 50,500. Impregnate Childless Woman For Rs 13 Lakh Scam in Bihar: District Police Forms SIT To Arrest Kingpin of Nawada Gang.

Successful bidders participate in a holy bath ritual and receive the lemons after paying their respects to the temple priests. The tradition has been part of the temple’s celebrations for many years.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 28, 2024 10:13 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website