India’s heavy population have access to only about 4% of the world’s water resources. A NITI Aayog report states that at least 40% of the Indian population will have no access to drinking water by the year 2030, also 21 major cities (including New Delhi, Bengaluru, Chennai and Hyderabad) are expected to run out of groundwater shortly.
“The importance of keeping one's self hygienic during this COVID-19 pandemic has only made matters worse,” says Rishi Raj Agarwal
India consumes two times the amount of groundwater compared to China, despite having somewhat of similar population size. Sixty per cent of India’s districts have been declared critical on groundwater. India’s depleting groundwater reserves is impacting the overall drinking water availability drastically and India is ranked 120 out of 122 countries in the global water quality index.
“Water is Everybody Business and all village heads must join hands to construct check dams and embankments along the river,” says Rishi Agarwalla . Rishi is founder of the NGO that focuses on the water crisis the world is facing. He has initiated “” that has a mission to promote free piped water to every household in the world and save 100 top cities of India and world from impending water scarcity of “Day Zero” It aims at reducing the number of problems faced by various states in India by not working at the ground level but also creating polls and campaign to know where and what are the main issues that are causing water stress and tackle the situation accordingly.
Apart from his passion and involvement in Save Water Save City, Rishi Agarwalla is also a great philanthropist and environmentalist by planting almost 20,000 trees but is also involved in various charitable works. He is also CERA’s (Construction Equipment Rental Association) Regional head for Maharashtra. CERA is India's largest construction equipment rental association
 "We all human being worldwide are soon going to face a “Water Apartheid” scenario where only the rich would be able to afford water while the rest are left to suffer,” says Rishi Raj Agarwal
Nearly 80 per cent of India’s fresh water is utilized for agriculture, water-intensive crops like rice, wheat etc. Groundwater accounts for 63 per cent of water used for irrigation by farmers, “We need to change farming practices to see improvements” says Rishi Agarwalla
In India states like UP is known for overexploiting groundwater resources, on-farm, Bundelkhand and Vindhya regions in Uttar Pradesh, are among the most water-scarce areas in the country. Rishi Agarwal says “Ken-Betwa river linking project and several initiatives by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and CM Yogi Adityanath with an investment of over Rs10,000 Cr shall change UP and Bundelkhand water scenario”
 The future of India's water
“We have to focus on building infrastructures, such as dams, canals, minor irrigation structures, and water pipes. India’s water story starts and ends in her farms and people. India needs to create better policies and movements to help farmers and people use water with precautions. This holds the key to a water-secure future for the country and an end to stories of distress that mark each summer ”says Rishi Agarwalla .