Mumbai, January 13: In a bizarre incident, a 22-year-old man was caught using a micro hearing device to cheat during a Mumbai Police recruitment exam. The case, which mirrors the famous 2003 film Munna Bhai MBBS, saw the accused, Kushna Dalvi, receiving answers from his friends through the tiny device hidden in his ear. Dalvi, who was taking the exam at a Raigad military base in Oshiwara, was caught by police officers on invigilation duty after his actions raised suspicions.
According to an NDTV report, Kushna Dalvi, originally from Bhokardan in Maharashtra's Jalna district, was participating in the Mumbai Police driver-constable recruitment exam when his suspicious behaviour was noticed by officers on invigilation duty. Upon questioning, police discovered a micro-hearing device tucked in his left ear. The device was so small that it could not be seen from the outside and was connected to a phone via Bluetooth, which enabled his two friends, Sachin Bavaskar and Pradeep Rajput, to prompt him with the answers. Fake Currency Racket Busted in Mumbai: Acting on Tip-Off, Cops Bust Gang Printing and Selling Fake Indian Currency Notes.
Police later seized a SIM card, a cellphone, and a hearing device from Dalvi. The investigation revealed that Dalvi was in constant contact with his friends, who were helping him cheat throughout the exam. The device's discreet nature allowed Dalvi to receive answers without detection, but his actions were ultimately flagged by the vigilant invigilators. Dalvi was arrested on the spot, and further legal action is being taken against him and his accomplices. Mumbai: Satara Man Defrauds People by Posing As Government Official, Uses Forged Documents With Maharashtra Deputy CM Ajit Pawar's Signature; Arrested.
This cheating attempt strongly resembled a famous scene from the 2003 Bollywood film Munna Bhai MBBS, in which Sanjay Dutt’s character uses a similar hidden device to cheat during a medical entrance exam. However, unlike the movie's light-hearted resolution, Dalvi’s real-life attempt ended with his arrest. Police are continuing their investigation into the matter, while Dalvi and his accomplices face legal action for their fraudulent behaviour.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 13, 2025 04:57 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website