Lucknow, September 19: In a shocking incident reported from Uttar Pradesh's Rampur, a woman along with her 3-month-old daughter was burnt alive by her in-laws. The deceased mother has been identified as Shabnam in the reports, whereas, the child was identified as Shaheen. The inhumane case took place in Hajipura area of Rampur. The police has registered a case against the seven accused, booking them under IPC section 302 (murder). Sambhal Horror: Woman Burnt to Death For Resisting Gangrape.
A preliminary probe into the matter has revealed that Shabnam along with her daughter was burnt to death inside her in-laws house at 8am on Wednesday. According to Javed, the deceased's brother, Shabam's four-year-old marriage with Mohammad Qasim had turned estrange over dowry issues and she was living with her maternal family for the past few months. Woman Burnt Alive in Unnao District of Uttar Pradesh, Dies.
She was called to her in-laws residence on Wednesday by Qasim, where the family assaulted and killed her, Javed said in the police complaint. In the FIR, he has mentioned Qasim, his father Waheed and five other members of their family as the prime accused.
Shabnam's 3-year-old son, who was not present at the in-laws house when she was attacked, has escaped unhurt.
Ajay Sharma, superintendent of police, Rampur, said a probe has been initiated into the matter. Prime facie evidence indicate the role of her in-laws in the brutal murder. All the accused have went missing since the police complaint was lodged, he said, adding that a search operation is underway to nab them.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 20, 2019 12:23 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website