Rajasthan Horror: Wife Forced by Husband To Have Sex With Other People Including His Father and Brother, Rape Case Registered

In a disturbing incident, a married woman has lodged a complaint against her husband, accusing him of forcing her to have sex with family members, including his father and brother in Rajasthan's Churu.

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Jaipur, May 7: In a disturbing incident, a married woman has lodged a complaint against her husband, accusing him of forcing her to have sex with family members, including his father and brother in Rajasthan's Churu. The police have registered a case against the accused and initiated an investigation.

According to the NDTV Rajasthan, the police have filed an FIR, naming eight individuals, including the victim's father-in-law and brother-in-law, as accused in the rape case. The victim, a resident of a village in the jurisdiction of the Sandwa police station, alleges that her husband has been drugging her with intoxicants for the past 15-20 years, forcing her into sexual relations with other men. She claims that her husband would resort to physical violence whenever she resisted. Rajasthan Shocker: Nearly 20 Women Gang-Raped, Filmed on Pretext of Anganwadi Jobs in Sirohi, Case Registered Against Two.

Husband Spiked Wife's Tea to Facilitate Her Rape

The woman alleged that her husband would mix intoxicants in her tea, causing her to lose consciousness, and then facilitate her rape. She also recounted an incident where her husband attempted to slit her throat with a sharp weapon when she protested against his actions. She managed to escape and save her life. Rajasthan Shocker: Nine-Year-Old Girl Raped by Relative in Ajmer, Case Registered Under POCSO Act.

The woman, a mother of three sons and a daughter, also mentioned in the FIR that the accused have threatened to kill her brother, with whom her children are currently residing. The incident came to light on Saturday, May 4. The police have assured that they will take strict action against the accused based on the woman's complaint.

In another incident, a 14-year-old girl was raped in a moving sleeper bus between Bikaner and Jaisalmer on April 28. The crime occurred in the Ratannagar area of Churu district. The accused, Anil Meghwal, a 21-year-old resident of Dhadhariya Banirotan village, had previously raped the minor girl in a Dharamshala in Dhadhariya village about one and a half years ago. He had drugged her juice and taken obscene photographs during the act, which he later used to blackmail her.

On April 28, Meghwal intercepted the minor on her way to the shop and kidnapped her, threatening to post her obscene photos on social media. He then took the minor on a sleeper bus traveling from Sardarshahr to Jaisalmer and raped her twice in the moving bus.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 07, 2024 01:14 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

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