Chandigarh, July 16: In a shocking incident, a woman and her lover were arrested for allegedly killing her mother-in-law by the Amabla police on Thursday. As per report, the deceased, identified as 55-year-old Sushma Chauhan, confronted her daughter-in-law Rajni, one of the accused and resident of Kharar, after coming to know about her affair with Swaran Singh, other accused, on Tuesday. Following which the accused reportedly strangled Chauhan to death and dumped her body near the railway tracks behind Ambala Central Jail. Punjab Shocker: 19-Year-Old Girl Gangraped by Three Men in Ludhiana; Case Registered.

As per reports, the woman's body was discovered on Wednesday and was identified with the help of her Aadhaar card. Following which, the police started the investigation. Her dead body was handed over to the family after autopsy, as reported by the Hindustan Times. The woman reportedly worked as a private caretaker in Chandigarh and was reported missing since Tuesday. Punjab Shocker: 22-Year-Old Man Kills Neighbour's Minor Sons Before Dying By Suicide in Ludhiana.

Superintendent of police Hamid Akhtar told the Hindustan Times, “As the victim learnt of Rajni’s affair and confronted her, she killed her in connivance with Swaran. After strangling her to death, they dumped her body near the railway tracks." Both, her daughter in law Rajni and her lover Swaran Singh, have been arrested by the police.

In a similar incident, a woman and her brother-in-law were arrested from Ahmedabad rural earlier this month for allegedly killing her minor son in 2018 after he came to know about their affair. The accused reportedly strangulated the eight-year-old boy to death, brunt his body and buried it in a farmland.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 16, 2021 10:40 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website