Chandigarh, June 24: In a shocking incident, a teenage girl was allegedly forcefully taken to an apartment by three men and raped while she was out for walk with a friend in Ludhiana, as per reports. The accused reportedly threatened the 19-year-old victim against telling about the incident and fled the flat. The girl later called up her friend, who dropped her home. A case has been filed against the three accused in this matter and the police is searching for them. Uttar Pradesh Shocker: 19-Year-Old Dalit Girl Gangraped by Three Men in Sambhal District; One Arrested.
As per reports, while the 19-year-old and her friend were out for a walk, when her friend went to answer nature's call. Following which three men on an Activa scooter reached the spot and forcefully took the girl to an apartment and gangraped her, as reported by the Hindustan Times. One of the accused has been identified as Sunny, while the rest are yet to be identified. Uttar Pradesh Shocker: 25-Year-Old Dalit Woman Allegedly Gangraped in Agra; Case Registered.
“Raids are being conducted to arrest Sunny, but he is still absconding. After Sunny’s arrest, the other two accused will be identified,” Darshan Singh, Assistant sub-inspector, told the Hindustan Times. Meanwhile, a case has been filed in this matter under section Section 376-D (rape) and Section 506 (criminal intimidation) against three accused and investigation is underway.
In a similar incident that was reported earlier this month, a 19-year-old Dalit girl was gangraped by three men while she was on her way to meet her sister. The accused allegedly dragged her to a cane filed and raped the teenager. The incident reportedly took place in Sambhal district of Uttar Pradesh.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 24, 2021 11:02 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website