Pune, September 13: The Pimpri-Chinchwad police on Monday arrested a man from Tamil Nadu for allegedly duping a woman of Rs 11 lakh. The man from Chennai allegedly cheated the woman from Pune’s Chinchwad by signing fake marriage documents. The man was arrested from Chennai. The accused has been identified as Premraj Thevraj. He is a resident of Chennai. Mumbai Woman Duped of Nearly Rs 2 Lakh by ‘Friend’ on Matrimonial Site Who Posed As UK Resident.
According to a report published in The Indian Express, the woman met the man through a matrimony site last year. The duo started chatting and talking over the phone. After three months of phone conversations, Thevraj expressed his wish to marry the woman. The accused also sought financial help from her. Mumbai Woman Duped of Rs 5.54 Lakh by a Foreign National Who Met Her on Marathi Matrimony App.
The woman transferred Rs 11,04,500 to Thevraj, reported the media house. The accused then called the woman to Chennai. He allegedly made her sign fake marriage documents. Thevraj gave a fake marriage certificate to the victim. He then asked her to take a loan of Rs 80 lakh in her name. However, when the woman refused, he threatened her to harm her parents.
An FIR was registered against the accused at the Nigdi police station on Sunday. The police then launched a manhunt operation to nab the accused. The Pimpri-Chinchwad police then went to Chennai to arrest the accused. A detailed investigation is underway in the case.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 13, 2021 05:20 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).