Pune, January 16: In a shocking incident, a man allegedly killed his nine-year-old son by banging his head against a wall and then throttling him in a fit of rage over a study-related argument. The tragedy unfolded in Hol village near Baramati, Pune, where the family, including the father, uncle, and grandmother, attempted to cremate the boy's body secretly. Their plan was foiled when suspicious villagers alerted the police. The father and uncle have been arrested, while investigations are ongoing to apprehend the grandmother for her involvement in the cover-up.

The gruesome incident occurred on January 14, when the boy’s father, a 40-year-old Gram Panchayat peon, scolded his son for not studying. This led to an argument in the presence of the boy's grandmother. In a fit of anger, the father allegedly banged the boy’s head against a wall and subsequently throttled him. When the child collapsed, the family took him to a private hospital in Vadgaon Nimbalkar, claiming he had fallen due to giddiness. However, hospital authorities suggested shifting the boy to a government hospital, which the family ignored, opting instead to perform his last rites secretly. Pune Shocker: Man Hacked to Death With Billhook by Cousin Over Relationship With Sister in Charholi, 2 Arrested.

According to a report by The Times of India, the father, uncle, and grandmother began preparations to cremate the boy’s body at a local crematorium. However, their plan was interrupted when suspicious villagers notified the Vadgaon Nimbalkar police. A police team quickly intervened, stopping the cremation and taking the body for a postmortem. The initial postmortem report revealed asphyxia as the cause of death, corroborating the father’s confession of assaulting and throttling the boy. Pune Shocker: School Dance Teacher Molests 11-Year-Old Student in Maharashtra, Arrested.

The father admitted to the crime during police questioning, confirming he had killed his son in anger. The boy had been living with his father, elder brother, and grandmother after his mother separated from the family four years ago due to domestic disputes. The police have since arrested the father and uncle while pursuing charges against the grandmother for her role in covering up the crime.

Women and Child Helpline Numbers:

Childline India – 1098; Missing Child and Women – 1094; Women’s Helpline – 181; National Commission for Women Helpline – 112; National Commission for Women Helpline Against Violence – 7827170170; Police Women and Senior Citizen Helpline – 1091/1291.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 16, 2025 04:49 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).