Pune, February 2: In a shocking incident in Pune, a 15-year-old Standard X student was assaulted by four of his classmates outside their school near Ramoshigate in Bhawani Peth on Tuesday. The victim, who is the son of a vegetable vendor from Bibvewadi, suffered injuries on his chest, neck, and hands due to the assault with a knife, iron chain, and leather belt. He is currently recuperating at Sassoon hospital.

TOI reported that the Khadak police have detained the four boys, aged between 14 and 15 years, and registered a case of attempted murder and assault against them. The assault was reportedly prompted by an argument over a stare that took place on Monday. The boys felt challenged by the victim in the civic school, leading to the attack. Mumbai Shocker: Three Try To Rob People, Assault and Force Them To Chant 'Jai Shree Ram' Near S Bridge in Byculla; Arrested.

Senior Inspector Ravindra Gaikwad stated that the boys brought weapons to school on Tuesday and assaulted the victim after school hours. All the boys have been studying in the same school for the past few years and belong to families of painters, fruit sellers, and people doing odd jobs. They are residents of different slum pockets. Maharashtra Shocker: Friend Urinates on Teen, Another Records Video to Extort Money in Lonavala; Booked.

This incident has highlighted the rising concern of minors involved in serious crimes. Not just crimes under the regular IPC sections, minors are committing offences under the Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA) of late. Pune’s outgoing CP Retesh Kumaarr observed that minors accounted for 11% of total offenders booked under MCOCA.

In 2023, the city police recorded 256 cases in which 392 juveniles were booked for offences like assault, murder, and theft. The number of juveniles booked has been increasing over the years. Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime) Amol Zende expressed concern over minor boys getting involved in serious crimes, with some even found in possession of firearms.

Zende revealed that over 2,500 juveniles in conflict with the law or inclined towards crime have been identified. Continuous counseling sessions for these kids are being conducted with the help of NGOs. He added that a majority of these boys belong to the economically backward society and get influenced by local goons and their lifestyle, leading to emulation. In some cases, adults have used minors to execute crimes to avert legal action.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 02, 2024 10:44 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).