Pune, September 2: In an incident of online fraud, a 39-year-old man from Maharashtra’s Pune was duped for Rs 28 Lakh by cyber fraudsters posing as executives of a Japanese multinational pharma company. The fraudster reportedly offered the victim a commission for supplying minerals from a Meghalaya-based company. The victim is a resident of Pune’s Pimpri area and works at a private company. A complaint in the matter was lodged on Tuesday. Pune Man Duped of Nearly Rs 28 Lakh By Online Fraudster Impersonating Executives of Japanese Multinational Pharma Company; Case Registered.

According to a report published in Hindustan Times, one of the accused approached the victim in June through a social media application. He introduced himself as Dr. Toichi Takino and offered a job to him in a Japanese pharmaceutical company. The accused reportedly being offered a job as a researcher and the executive director for discovery and research at the pharmaceutical company. After the complainant accepted the offer, he was asked to mediate a deal to procure xanthocomite mineral from the firm in Meghalaya’s Shillong. Pune: Woman Posing as Revenue Officer Dupes Couple of Rs 27.5 Lakh; Arrested.

The victim was then contacted by a woman and a man who introduced himself as a British national. He was contacted through messages between June 3 and 23 and was asked to invest nearly Rs 28 lakh for three weeks, reported the media house. The man from Pune was told by the accused that the Japanese company was planning to do a business worth $40.5 million with the Meghalaya-based company.

“He was also lured of the seven percent commission on that deal. They sent him an ‘MOU’ of the deal,” reported The Times of India, quoting a Pimpri police officer as saying. The victim transferred the money to three bank accounts. However, once he refused to pay more money, the accused reportedly stopped answering his calls. The victim lodged a complaint on Tuesday. A case has been registered under sections 419, 420, 34, and 507 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and relevant sections of the Information Technology act. The police have started an investigation into the case.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 02, 2021 11:28 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).