Pune, May 10: In a tragic incident, a man in Maharashtra’s Pune was shot at multiple times for going against the family and marrying a girl from a different caste. Reports inform that the victim, a 20-year-old man is  battling for his life in Pune after he was allegedly fired upon for marrying a girl from another cast a year back. According to a report by Hindustan Times, Police informed that the deceased, identified as Tushar Prakash Pisal, was shot in his stomach, chest, and neck and his condition is said to be critical. Groom Falls in Drain After Bridge Collapses Due to ‘Baraat’ Dance in Hoshiyarpur Village of Noida. 

The report further adds saying that Pisal belongs to the Maratha caste, while his 25-year-old wife, Vidya, is from Shimpi community, which falls under the Other Backward Class (OBC) category. The HT report further informs that the woman’s two brothers, a cousin and their friend fired on Pisal on Wednesday at Pune’s Chandani Chowk. While three accused have been arrested on Thursday, the search for one is still underway. West Bengal Groom Arrives at His Wedding on a Road-Roller Surprising Guests (Watch Video).

The report further quotes Police saying the men came on motorcycles and stopped Pisal and threatened of killing him before opening fire on him. Inspector (crime) Ajay Jogdand of Pune’s Hinjewadi police station informed that Vidya’s brothers were furious that their sister had married outside their caste, which was not accepted by their family members.

This is not the first such incident from Maharashtra. The attack on Pisal is the third such case in the state since March. On May 1, a similar incident was reported from Ahmednagar where a woman’s father and uncles allegedly set her on fire along with her husband for their intercaste marriage. The woman succumbed to burn injuries while her husband suffered about 50% burn injuries.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 10, 2019 04:37 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).