Pune, December 12: Auto-rickshaw drivers on Monday resumed their strike against the bike taxi services in Pune after a call by auto unions decided unanimously to go on an indefinite strike. The auto wallahs staged day-long protests across Pune on November 28, but it was called off in the evening after district officials promised to take action on illegal bike taxis. Mumbai: RTO Notice to Rapido, Asks to Shut Bike-Taxi Service.
However, after the authorities failed to make settlements, the auto drivers went ahead with their protests saying no autorickshaws will operate starting on Monday morning at the protest location close to the Pune Regional Transport Office (RTO). Ola Ban Lifted by Karnataka Govt, Two Days After Revoking Cab Aggregator's License For 6 Months.
What Are Demands of Autorickshaw Drivers in Pune?
The rickshaw unions claim that bike taxis are hurting their business and operating "illegally." The major demands of auto unions are to take strict action and ban bike taxis from Pune and Pimpari-Chinchwad. The other demands of the hartalis are - a reduction in CNG rates, a change in the base policy of electric vehicles, and to cease harassing financial firms.
The president of the Baghtoy Rikshawala auto union Keshav Kshrisagar said “We are fighting not only against the Rapido bike taxi service but also against several other major players who run the bike taxi service in Pune, which is adversely impacting our business. We tried hard to reach out to the state government, but every officer or politician we approached for assistance simply blamed each other. Even after we ended our strike on November 28, we attempted to meet with the Pune district collector and other senior officials from the state transportation department, but no one was prepared to respond.”
As a result of the strike, buses in the city were overcrowded and people, especially women, faced trouble boarding buses. Citizens, on the other hand, had to suffer as there was no auto rickshaw service.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 12, 2022 12:16 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).