Pune, January 16: A bizarre incident has come to light from Maharashtra's Pune where an 18-year-old boy accidentally swallowed a sharp nail. It is learned that the youth, who works as a carpenter, accidentally swallowed the nail while working. Soon after he swallowed the nail, the youth was rushed to a private hospital in Baner with a complaint of pain. At the hospital, the youth was advised to get an immediate X-ray.
Notably, the X-ray revealed that a nail was stuck in the upper part of his intestine, reports Free Press Journal. As the sharp object posed a serious risk of internal injury to the youth, a team of doctors led by Dr Prasad Bhate decided to perform an emergency endoscopy procedure. As per the report, the youth was brought to the hospital two hours after he swallowed the nail. Pune Shocker: Class 3 Student Sexually Assaults 3-Year-Old Girl After Being Influenced by Social Media in Kondhwa, Arrested.
Doctors said that it was easy to find the foreign object via endoscopy as the patient had not eaten anything. During the X-ray, the nail was found at the junction of the small intestine, thus making the removal of the foreign object important to prevent any injury to the internal organs. Using an endoscopy procedure, the doctors removed the nail gently without performing any surgery. Pune Shocker: School Dance Teacher Molests 11-Year-Old Student in Maharashtra, Arrested.
Speaking about the incident, Dr Bhate said that ingesting foreign bodies, including sharp items, carries serious risks. "The patient ingested a sharp nail that, if not extracted quickly, could have caused fatal consequences," he added. He also said that, due to advanced endoscopic methods, they were able to safely remove the nail without surgery.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 16, 2025 08:59 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).