Hyderabad, October 16: The Telangana police recently arrested a software professional for allegedly stealing a Porsche car and taking it for a spin. The accused, identified as M Sai Kiran, was arrested by the Jubilee Hills police, who learned that the accused was a repeat offender. The accused, who seems to have a fascination for high-end cars, reportedly stole a Porsche, which belongs to the son-in-law of a well-known Telugu film producer. The accused is a software engineer who reportedly earns a fat salary but steals luxury cars.
Rs 2 Crore Porsche Goes Missing
According to a report in the Times of India, the incident took place on Friday, October 13, when the accused was caught by the police near KBR Park junction. On October 13, Archith Reddy, the producer's son-in-law, arrived at a star hotel in Madhapur, where he went to work out in the gym. However, when Reddy came back, he was shocked to see his Rs 2 crore red colour Porsche missing. Hyderabad Police Apprehends 3 Accused for Stealing Vehicles.
Techie Steals Porsche for a Ride
He immediately contacted the hotel's security guards and checked the footage. This is when he learned that his car was allegedly stolen by an unidentified person. Reddy called cops, who reached the spot and began a probe. On checking several CCTV cameras, cops found that the car was moving in different areas of Madhapur and Jubilee Hills.
Accused Caught Red-Handed
The police anticipated that the accused would end up near KBR Park junction and alerted the traffic police, who caught Kiran red-handed. After being arrested, the accused was identified as M Sai Kiran, who told cops the car belonged to him. He even started to claim that he has good connections with top people in the country who are his friends.
Accused Fascinated by Luxury Cars
Speaking about the incident, S Veera Shekar, Jubilee Hills detective inspector, said, "At the time of stealing the Porsche in the hotel, Kiran came on his bike and parked it close to the Porsche. He saw that the car key was inside the vehicle and door was unlocked. He took advantage of this and took away the car." Gang Selling Stolen Cars Busted; 18 Vehicles Seized in Hyderabad.
After his arrest, cops contacted Kiran's family, who said he was involved in a similar offence in the past. They also told cops that he has a fascination for luxury cars. As per modus operandi, the accused would steal a car and drive it until the fuel was over, Later, he used to abandon the car. Previously, he was booked for reportedly driving away with a high-end car.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 16, 2023 07:55 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).