Pollachi, March 14: The Madras High Court on Thursday refused a judicial probe into Pollachi assault case. The Pollachi sexual abuse and extortion incident has caused a political uproar in Tamil Nadu. Although the state government gave its nod for a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probe, security was tightened and holidays were declared in Pollachi today with stir gaining as more awful facts of the abuse came out. 50 Women Trapped Through Facebook 'Raped' by 4-Member Gang of Pollachi.
The arrest of four people for alleged sexual abuse of 50 women has caused an uproar in the state. The accused were arrested under the Goonda Act following a complaint by a 19-year-old girl from Coimbatore district. Following the arrest, police seized the phones of four accused Satish, Thirunavakkarasu, Vasanthkumar and Sabariraj and found more than 50 video clips of women sexually abused. Pollachi Sexual Harassment Case: AIADMK Expels Youth Wing Member For Assaulting Victim's Brother.
Going back to the case, the accused were arrested based on a complaint by a girl, which said that the accused had taken her in their car and disrobe her and shot a video. The accused also threatened to leak the video if the victim doesn't provide any sexual favour, but when she cried and screamed, they left her in the middle of the road and drove away.
Firstly, the victim didn't reveal the incident to her family, but when the accused tried to extort money, she decided to reveal the whole ordeal to her family. Based on her complaint, an FIR has been filed against men under sections of 354(A), 354(B) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and sections 66(E) of IT Act, 2000 and section 4 of Tamil Nadu Prohibition of Women’s Harassment Act.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 14, 2019 12:31 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).