Nagpur, January 14: A 16-year-old boy allegedly committed suicide by jumping off the roof of his hostel in Maharashtra's Nagpur district on Tuesday, police said. The incident occurred in the Wanadongri area under the MIDC police station in the morning, an official said. Ryan Mohammad Riyaz Khan, a Class 12 student, jumped from the roof of the four-storey hostel around 11 am, he said. Sudden Death in Nagpur: HCL Technologies Employee Nitin Edwin Michael Dies of Cardiac Arrest in Office Washroom.
The official said the security guard heard the fall and found the boy lying in a pool of blood. The teen was taken to a private hospital, where doctors declared him dead. He said Ryan was a native of Chandrapur district. His father is a businessman based in South Africa, he said. According to police, the boy was stressed about the Class 12 board examination and had told his mother he would not sit for it. A case of accidental death has been registered, the official said.