Mysuru, November 21: In a shocking incident, a few villagers belonging to an upper caste drained out drinking water from a public storage tank in Heggotara village in Chamarajanagar taluk and cleaned it with gomutra after a Dalit woman drank water from the tank. The district in-charge minister, V Somanna on Sunday sought a report on the incident.
According to TOI, the incident came to light after a villager uploaded a video of other residents opening taps and draining water from the tank. After the video went viral, taluk administration officials visited the spot, collected details and submitted a report to the tahsildar. NCW Chief Rekha Sharma Takes Cognisance of Viral Video Showing Dalit Couple Getting Converted for Money, Writes to Madhya Pradesh DGP To File FIR (Watch Video)
The incident occurred during a wedding of Dalits at the village on Friday. The bride’s relatives from Sargur in HD Kote taluk had arrived at the village for the ceremony. After consuming food, they were walking towards the bus stand when one of the women drank water from the tank on Lingayat Beedhi. A man from the area called others and they all berated the woman for sullying the water in the tank. UP Shocker: Police Officer Caught on Camera Misbehaving, Using Derogatory Language With Dalit Complainant in Sitapur, Department Takes Action As Video Goes Viral
Chamarajanagar taluk tahsildar Basavaraj confirmed that the said incident was being probed, although the officials had received no formal complaint intimating them of the tank having been purified. He said that, should the woman in question confirm these rumours, police would be asked to take suo motu cognisance, and register a case.
The officials told villagers that the water storage tank is a public property and everyone could drink water from it. The tehsildar also took over 20 Dalit youth to all public drinking water taps in the village and made them drink water.
Chamarajanagara district in-charge minister V Somanna said he would not tolerate such discrimination and instructed officers to take stringent action.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 21, 2022 10:19 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website