Muzaffarnagar, December 3: A six-year-old girl was allegedly raped and strangled to death by her neighbour in his room at a village here, police said on Friday. The incident took place at a village under Mansoorpur police station on Thursday night, officials said. A case was registered and the accused was arrested early Friday following an encounter, Circle Officer (CO) Ramashish Yadav said.
The girl's family in their complaint alleged that Manveer (40) lured her to his room on the pretext of giving a toffee and then raped her, the officer said. Later, when she cried he strangled her to death, he said. Pune Kidnap-Rape-Double Murder: 54-Year-Old Man Abducts, Rapes and Drowns 2 Minor Sisters in Drum in Rajgurunagar Area, Arrested.
A search was launched to nab Manveer who was arrested following an encounter. The accused was injured in retaliatory firing by the police and was admitted to a hospital, the officer added. The girl's family hails from Assam and works in a factory, the police said.
Women and Child Helpline Numbers:
Childline India – 1098; Missing Child and Women – 1094; Women’s Helpline – 181; National Commission for Women Helpline – 112; National Commission for Women Helpline Against Violence – 7827170170; Police Women and Senior Citizen Helpline – 1091/1291.