The decapitated body of a 12-year-old child who was missing from Wadala's Shantinagar region in Mumbai, Maharashtra, was found in a heavily decomposed state, sending police into a frenzy. The suspect was apprehended by the child’s parents and neighbours based on CCTV evidence shortly after the deceased youngster vanished, and they turned him over to the Wadala Truck Terminals (TT) police. After a fisherman found the body of the youngster, Sandip, also known as Raj Yadav, Wadala TT police on Tuesday, March 5, filed a murder complaint against unidentified individuals.

Additionally, an investigation has been started against the police officer who was in charge of the case at the time the accused ran away. Headless Body of Man Found in Plastic Bag in Navi Mumbai’s Vashi, APMC Police Initiates Probe.

Sandip was the fisherman's only son. A local fisherman noticed one hand extending from the discarded roll of an advertisement banner on Tuesday when he was out fishing in the mangroves. He called the police right away, and when they opened the flag roll later, they discovered the boy's severely decayed decapitated body. Additionally, a skull that may belong to the kid was discovered. The body has been submitted for a postmortem and DNA examination by the police. KPK and murder charges have been filed, Prashant Kadam, DCP (Zone 4) told TOI.

Police said that on January 29, Bechai Yadav, the boy's father, filed a missing person's report with the Wadala police. After Yadav got home on January 28, he informed the police that his wife had told him Sandip had left the house at 8 pm. to go play but had not returned. Despite their extensive searches, Yadav and a few youngsters from the area were unable to locate him. They discovered Sandip moving with his neighbour Bipul Sigri, a West Bengal native, after reviewing CCTV video. Muzaffarnagar: Hours Before Cremation of Headless Body, ‘Missing’ Man Found Living With Girlfriend in Chandigarh.

The following day, locals caught, beat him, and gave him over to the authorities. Bipul informed police during questioning that he was bleeding and that he wanted to wash his head. He left the station on the pretext and flee the spot. The suspect was followed by the City Crime Branch, which is conducting a parallel inquiry, where he eventually vanished from sight. Initial investigations found that Bipul committed small-time thefts. The possibility being investigated by the police is that the murder may have resulted from sodomy.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 06, 2024 02:00 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website