Mumbai, March 3: Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Friday said Mumbai witnessed a 70 per cent rise in cyber crime cases in 2022 compared to the previous year. At least 4,286 cases of cyber fraud were registered in Mumbai over a period of one year till November 2022, Fadnavis said responding to a question by MLC Bhai Girkar in the state Legislative Council.

“Till November 2022, the Mumbai police commissionerate recorded a 70 per cent rise in cyber frauds compared to the cases recorded till November 2021,” the deputy chief minister said. Caste Verification Committees in Maharashtra Are Epicentre of Corruption, Says Deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis.

As many as 1,294 cases of credit card and online frauds were registered in the city till November 2022 and of these, 37 have been solved, he said. There were 2,216 of cases involving online shopping, crypto currency investment, admissions in educational institutions, insurance, investment and jobs frauds registered during this period and 132 have been detected, he said. Devendra Fadnavis Says India Will Become World Factory in the Days To Come.

Of 4,268 cyber fraud cases registered in a year till November 2022, only 279 have been solved, Fadnavis said. Mumbai has five police stations dedicated to detect cyber crimes, he said.