Mumbai, August 27: In a tragic incident, a couple was found dead at their flat in Mumbai's Kandivli (west) on Wednesday morning. According to a Times of India report, police revealed that as per the preliminary probe, the man died by suicide as his body was found in a bathroom locked from the inside. His wife's body, on the other hand, was found on the bed. The cause of her death is not clear.
When the son woke up around 10:30, he found his mother lying on the bed. After futile attempts at trying to wake her up, he searched for his dad. It was then that he found that the door of the bathroom was locked. He broke the latch and found his father hanging by a belt from the shower rod. He called the neighbours and he managed to bring his body down with their help. Mumbai Double Murder: Waiter Held in Pune for Murder of Manager and Cleaner in Mira Road Restaurant.
A suicide note was also found where it is mentioned that no one is to be blamed. Police are trying to probe whether financial worries or domestic dispute could have led the couple to take the extreme step. Their son had recently cleared the HSC exam and had moved in with their relative.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 27, 2020 09:27 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website