Mumbai, December 15: In a bizarre incident, a gang of four youths in Mumbai’s Kalyan area have managed to steal expensive mobile phones worth Rs 23 lakh in a week. According to reports, the gang, named 'Chadar' (shawl) gang, has targeted two mobile shops and robbed expensive valuables. According to a report by TOI, out of the four gang members, the first one wears a face mask and covers the shop's lock area by a shawl. The other members of the gang hide under the shawl and break the locks and enter the shop. Andheri Mumbai Local Station Witnesses Most Theft, Followed by Bandra & Borivali, Says Western Railway.
Police have registered a case against four unidentified accused whose covered face has been captured in the shop's CCTV cameras. The report further informs that it is in the same week that the two shops have been targeted by the gang by using the same tactics. This has raised questions about police security system in the area. Nizam Museum Theft! As Rs 50 Crore Worth of Artefacts Stolen From Hyderabad.
According to details by the Police, the incident took place on December 9 at around 6 am where the gang took advantage of the winter season and carried out the theft. The Police informed that many beggars sleep on roads near shop by using a shawl. Taking advantage of the situation, the robbers cover the shop area with shawl so that people could not doubt them.
As per details by police, the gang used the same tricks to break in to Unicorn Info Solutions mobile shop and Jai Ambe store situated at Lalchakki area in Kalyan (West). The gang managed to steal mobile phones of worth Rs 23 lakh. Both the shops are situated at Vallipeer road in Kalyan.
According to information by police, the mobile phones that were stolen from Unicorn Info Solutions shop gang cost Rs 18 lakh, which included 10 iPhone mobile phones and laptop. The theft that took place at Jai Ambe store, the gang stolen Rs 5 lakhs mobile phones.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 15, 2018 04:14 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website