Srinagar, August 17: The Jammu and Kashmir Police on Tuesday lathicharged and thrashed a group of journalists covering a Muharram procession here. Police also detained a few Shia mourners at Jehangir Chowk in the city as they tried to take out a procession to mark the eighth day of the 10-day Muharram mourning period.

As the media personnel, mostly photo and video journalists, were rendering their professional duties, police swung into action and lathicharged them, the scribes said. They said the policemen, armed with batons, also thrashed some of the journalists and caused damage to their equipment.

The videos of the incident were uploaded on various social media forums as the journalists protested the police action. A senior police officer reached the spot and assured the journalists that he we will look into matter. Meanwhile, Peoples Democratic Party president Mehbooba Mufti took to Twitter to highlight the issue. Muharram 2021: Uttar Pradesh Govt Bans Moharram Processions Amid COVID-19 Pandemic, Allows 'Tazia' and 'Majlis' Inside Homes.

“Media is spending hours debating the human tragedy and unfolding crisis in Afghanistan but will they speak up for their own community in Kashmir who were beaten to pulp today by security forces for doing their job?” Mufti said on Twitter.