Ahmedabad, October 10: The Special Investigation Team (SIT) has submitted an exhaustive 5,000-page report to the Gujarat High Court in the Morbi bridge collapse incident in which 135 people died. The report released on Tuesday blames the key personnel of the Oreva company which was responsible for the bridge's operation and maintenance. The suspension bridge over the Machhu River in Morbi had plunged into the water on the fateful evening of October 30, 2022. The state government had constituted a committee to conduct a thorough inquiry into the matter. Morbi Suspension Bridge Collapse Video: Disturbing CCTV Footage Shows Exact Moment When Cable Bridge Snapped in Gujarat
Notably, the maintenance and oversight of this critical bridge had been entrusted to the Oreva Group. According to the compiled SIT report, Oreva's Managing Director, Jaysukh Patel, Manager Dinesh Dave, and Manager Deepak Parekh bear direct accountability for the incident. The investigation's findings reveal a series of lapses in the bridge's management and safety protocols. Morbi Bridge Suspension Bridge Collapse: Gujarat Court Issues Arrest Warrant Against Jaysukh Patel of Oreva Grouha: Rare Melanistic Leopard and Cub Seen in Nayagarh Forests, Video Surfaces" /> Black Panther Spotted in Odisha: Rare Melanistic Leopard and Cub Seen in Nayagarh Forests, Video Surfaces