Chennai, April 29: In a disturbing case of suspected moral policing, an 18-year-old male student from a private engineering college in Mettukadai in Tamil Nadu's Erode was allegedly subjected to assault by the college administration. The incident, which reportedly occurred after the student, Murali Krishnan, befriended a female student and brought her to his residence, sparked outrage after the student's mother sought intervention through a social media video.

According to The New Indian Express report, the victim, Murali Krishnan, a first-year engineering student and son of Seenivasan and Mohanambal of Pallipalayam in Erode, is said to have developed a close friendship with a female student who resides in the college hostel. On April 24, Krishnan allegedly invited the female student to his home, which angered the college authorities. Lynching in Tamil Nadu: Boy Beaten to Death Over Suspicion of Being Mobile Phone Thief.

Victim's Mother Claim Son Was Thrashed by College Staff

The student's mother, Mohanambal, claimed in a widely circulated video that her son was "severely assaulted by the college administration for talking to his female friend." She further alleged that the college authorities were uncooperative and responded to their inquiries threateningly.

Victim Undergoing Medical Treatment

A police official informed the media outlet that the assault allegedly took place on April 25 and that Krishnan is currently receiving medical treatment at a private hospital in Erode. The police have initiated an investigation based on the complaint filed by the parents. Boy Turns Up in Woman’s Dress Near Outside Mosque, Thrashed; Assault Video Goes Viral.

The college administration has denied the allegations, stating that the claims of assault are unfounded, the report said. They have communicated their position to the police and announced plans to release a comprehensive statement regarding the matter, the report added.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 29, 2024 06:17 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website