Mumbai, July 19: Good news for Maharashtra dairy farmers as the state government, on Thursday, has announced a Rs 8 hike per litre of milk, taking the minimum price to Rs 25 from Rs 17 a litre. Although the decision has provided major relief to the dairy farmers who were on a strike from past four days, it will affect the consumers at large. Following the milk price hike, prices of other dairy products prices will also increase subsequently. The new rates will be applicable from July 21 onwards as a tweet on ANI.
Earlier, the minumum rate of milk given to dairy farmers was Rs 17 a litre, which was not sufficient for them to earn profits . So the Raju Shetti- led Swabhimani Shetkari Sanghatna has called a state-wide strike which was supported by all dairy farmers.
Here is the tweet od ANI about the increase in milk price by Rs 25 and new rates to be applicable from July 21:
#Maharashtra government announces Rs 25 per liter as the minimum rate of milk for dairy farmers, following state-wide protests over the demand. The decision will be implemented from July 21.
— ANI (@ANI) July 19, 2018
The outcome of the strike was seen at several parts of the state, including Mumbai, Buldhana, Nagpur, and Ahmednagar. Several agitators spilled milk on the road and stalled vehicles carrying milk containers as a mark of their protest. To grab the attention, the protestors also bathed a few buffaloes and distributed milk to children for free.
Shetti called a statewide protest on July 16 to increase milk prices. The purpose behind the strike called was to get a direct subsidy of Rs 5 to the dairy farmers and c for butter and milk powder.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 19, 2018 08:19 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website