Mahakumbh Nagar, January 13: Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Monday hailed the Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj as "Maha Kumbh of Unity", after which the message resonated widely on social media with hashtag 'Ekta_Ka_Maha_Kumbh' trending on the opening day of the Mela. Users started sharing posts with the hashtag 'Ekta_Ka_Maha_Kumbh' in Hindi on social media platforms X and Instagram actively right since morning on Paush Purnima Snan Parv to celebrate the event's spiritual and cultural significance. By afternoon, the hashtag topped trending charts, showcasing widespread public participation and the collective spirit of unity symbolised by this historic gathering.

Thousands of users actively shared photos, videos and information related to the event, sparking widespread engagement. Several hashtags on Maha Kumbh were used in the posts but #Ekta_Ka_Maha_Kumbh stood out as the most prominent one. By 3.30 pm, nearly 70,000 users had used the hashtag, sharing their experiences of the massive crowd during the Sangam Snan and the deep spiritual significance of the Sanatan faith. Maha Kumbh Mela 2025: Yogi Adityanath Greets People at Sangam on ‘Paush Purnima’ on First Day of Mahakumbh, Says ‘Around 15 Million Devotees Take Holy Dip’ (See Pics and Video).

Adityanath also joined the conversation and his use of the hashtag triggered a surge of responses, quickly propelling #Ekta_Ka_Maha_Kumbh to the top of the trending charts. The hashtag was further amplified by influential figures and institutions, including former Amethi MP and BJP leader Smriti Irani, the government of India's MyGovIndia handle, Namami Gange, Gorakhpur MP Ravi Kishan, UP Agriculture Minister Surya Pratap Shahi and minister Sandeep Singh.

The overwhelming social media response aligned with the message of unity emphasised by Prime Minister Modi and Chief Minister Adityanath, who described the Maha Kumbh as a "Maha Kumbh of Unity". Adityanath had recently reaffirmed in a press conference that those who question the Sanatan faith should witness the Maha Kumbh, emphasising that it transcends distinctions of caste, creed and sect, bringing all together in the spirit of Sanatan harmony. Maha Kumbh Mela 2025: Craze Among Devotees to Take Selfies With Cutouts of PM Narendra Modi, CM Yogi Adityanath in Kumbh (Watch Videos).

Alongside #Ekta_Ka_Maha_Kumbh, several other hashtags trended throughout the day, capturing the spiritual fervour of the Maha Kumbh. Hashtags such as #MahaKumbh2025, #PaushPurnima, #PavitraSangam, #PrathamAmrit and #Sangam saw widespread engagement as social media users expressed their reverence for the sacred event. Many also extended congratulations and best wishes to Chief Minister Adityanath for his efforts in ensuring the grandeur and spiritual magnificence of this historic Maha Kumbh.