Madhya Pradesh: Woman Attempts Self-Immolation After Anti-Encroachment Drive Through Her Farm in Dewas, Mob Injure 3 Revenue Officers

In a shocking incident, a woman set herself afire at Atwas village in Dewas district after an anti-encroachment drive through her farm on Tuesday. Following this, the crowd pelted stones and attacked the revenue officers team who were executing an anti-encroachment drive. Three officers were injured in the incident.

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    Madhya Pradesh: Woman Attempts Self-Immolation After Anti-Encroachment Drive Through Her Farm in Dewas, Mob Injure 3 Revenue Officers

    In a shocking incident, a woman set herself afire at Atwas village in Dewas district after an anti-encroachment drive through her farm on Tuesday. Following this, the crowd pelted stones and attacked the revenue officers team who were executing an anti-encroachment drive. Three officers were injured in the incident.

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    Madhya Pradesh: Woman Attempts Self-Immolation After Anti-Encroachment Drive Through Her Farm in Dewas, Mob Injure 3 Revenue Officers
    Anti-Encroachment Drive at Dewas. (Photo Credit: ANI)

    Bhopal, July 30: In a shocking incident, a woman set herself afire at Atwas village in Dewas district after an anti-encroachment drive through her farm on Tuesday. Following this, the crowd pelted stones and attacked the revenue officers team who were executing an anti-encroachment drive. Three officers were injured in the incident.

    Soon after the women attempted self-immolation, she was taken to the nearest hospital, where her condition is now stable. Informing about the woman's health, Additional SP of Dewas said, as quoted by news agency ANI, "Woman sustained minor injuries and was rushed to hospital by locals." Madhya Pradesh: Jobless Son Slits Mother's Throat in Rewa as ‘She Loved Elder Son More’, Films Murder on Mobile Phone.

    Here are a few images of Dewas incident:

    According to a report, published by Times of India, the revenue department team was removing crops sown over the government land on Tuesday. After this, a group of people protested against the action taken by the government. In the meantime, the women set herself afire. Following this, the group turned violent and started pelting stones at the officers.

    In the attack, three revenue department officers -- Patwari Kishore Chavare, Patwati Dilip Jat and revenue inspector Rajendra Dhurve -- were injured. Police have registered a case against 11 people under relevant sections of IPC.

    (The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 30, 2020 12:14 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

    Madhya Pradesh: Woman Attempts Self-Immolation After Anti-Encroachment Drive Through Her Farm in Dewas, Mob Injure 3 Revenue Officers
    Anti-Encroachment Drive at Dewas. (Photo Credit: ANI)

    Bhopal, July 30: In a shocking incident, a woman set herself afire at Atwas village in Dewas district after an anti-encroachment drive through her farm on Tuesday. Following this, the crowd pelted stones and attacked the revenue officers team who were executing an anti-encroachment drive. Three officers were injured in the incident.

    Soon after the women attempted self-immolation, she was taken to the nearest hospital, where her condition is now stable. Informing about the woman's health, Additional SP of Dewas said, as quoted by news agency ANI, "Woman sustained minor injuries and was rushed to hospital by locals." Madhya Pradesh: Jobless Son Slits Mother's Throat in Rewa as ‘She Loved Elder Son More’, Films Murder on Mobile Phone.

    Here are a few images of Dewas incident:

    According to a report, published by Times of India, the revenue department team was removing crops sown over the government land on Tuesday. After this, a group of people protested against the action taken by the government. In the meantime, the women set herself afire. Following this, the group turned violent and started pelting stones at the officers.

    In the attack, three revenue department officers -- Patwari Kishore Chavare, Patwati Dilip Jat and revenue inspector Rajendra Dhurve -- were injured. Police have registered a case against 11 people under relevant sections of IPC.

    (The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 30, 2020 12:14 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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    PM Narendra Modi Holds Roadshow in Khajuraho, Will Lay Foundation of Multiple Development Projects in Madhya Pradesh on Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s 100th Birth Anniversary (Watch Video)

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