Bhopal, July 19: A teenage boy has allegedly raped a three-year-old girl in Madhya Pradesh’s Sidhi district. The accused was a neighbour of the victim and known to the family. The incident was reported at a village in Majhauli area, around 60 km from district headquarters Sidhi on Tuesday. Police said that the victim has sustained injuries on her private part and has been admitted at a government hospital in Sidhi.
“The victim has undergone a minor surgery. She is admitted at a hospital where her condition is said to be stable. Doctors said that the victim will remain under observation for the next few days. The minor accused has been detained,” Police said. Mumbai Shocker: Woman Raped, Threatened in Moving Auto-Rickshaw by Driver in Goregaon's Aarey Colony, Accused Arrested From Uttar Pradesh.
As the accused boy was known to the family, he used to visit the family frequently. Police said that the accused took the toddler out from her home on pretext of chocolates and allegedly raped her at an isolated place. Nagpur Shocker: 65-Year-Old Man Rapes Minor Girl, Arrested for Unnatural Sex.
Police said that the boy’s alleged crime was witnessed by some local people, who informed the victim’s family. The victim was taken to a local police station and an FIR was lodged against him.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 19, 2023 08:22 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website