Bhopal, June 9: In a shocking incident, a 25-year-old girl was allegedly raped by her college senior in Madhya Pradesh capital city Bhopal. Reports inform that the incident took place in Kotwali locality last year on the fake promise of marriage. According to a report by TOI, when the man refused to marry her, she approached Kotwali police station on Monday to file a complaint against him.
The TOI report quotes the rape survivor saying that she came in contact with the accused in 2016 when she was pursuing her higher studies. In her complaint, the girl said that he also threatened her with severe consequences if she spoke about the incident to anyone. Soon after a complaint was lodged, police swung to action and began an investigation into the matter. Madhya Pradesh Shocker: Woman Arrested for Sexually Assaulting Minor Boy in Rajgarh District.
As per details by the Police, the accused befriended the girl and on June 21, 2020. Prior to this, he took the girl to his rented flat in Kotwali locality on the pretext of introducing her to his mother. The accused sexually assaulted the rape survivor and allegedly outraged her modesty at his home.
Later, when the girl asked him to marry her as per his promise, he started threatening her that he would take divorce after marriage if she married him forcefully. The girl was left with no other option and finally decided to file a complaint against her senior after 11 months. A rape case has been registered under relevant sections of IPC. The Police has launched a hunt to nab the accused.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 09, 2021 05:16 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website