Mumbai, June 14: Residents of a condominium in Greater Noida's Sector Phi 2 have been admonished by the flat owners' association to be considerate of their dress when in the common area or park. Some people have praised the Himsagar Apartment AOA for issuing the circular on June 10, which specifically asks residents not to leave their apartments "wearing lungis and nighties".

However, others have sharply criticised the AOA for grossly overstepping into the most private of domains, a person's sartorial preferences. Jeans Banned in Government Offices in Bihar District! Saran DM Issues Dress Code; Asks Employees To Wear Formal Clothes, Identity Cards on Duty.

After receiving some complaints about people wearing "loose clothes" while practising yoga every day on the compound, which apparently made the complainants uncomfortable, AOA president CK Kalra told TOI that they did not discriminate against anyone but only asked residents to abide by the rules.

"A few days ago, numerous women voiced their discomfort about some people practising yoga while wearing a lungi. We initially asked folks verbally. The group ultimately decided to issue a circular," Kalra stated.

Lungi, Nighty Banned in Greater Noida Society:

Residents are urged to take extra care with how they behave and dress whenever they are out and about in the community to avoid giving anyone cause to criticise them. Children learn from you as well. As a result, it is urged that no one leave their homes wearing house attire, such as lungis and nightgowns, according to the circular. Mahabaleshwar Temple Dress Code: Only Men in Dhoti, Women in Salwar, Saree Can Enter the Gokarna Temple.

Many people prefer wearing nighties and lungis during the summer when the heat and humidity can make wearing tailored clothing uncomfortable. Lungis are frequent casual or nightwear.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 14, 2023 10:47 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website