Gurgaon, August 10: Residents of Badshahpur village in Haryana's Gurugram faced a scary situation after a two-and-a-half-year male leopard entered a house and then a salon. However, the salon operator showed some presence of mind and locked the feline inside. Later, the forest department eventually rescued the wild cat after nearly one hour. Haridwar Man Poisons Three Leopards in Shivalik Range to Revenge Killing of His Dog.
Deputy Chief Conservator of Forests, Vinod Kumar said, "The leopard was rescued after one hour without using tranquilisers. They used an iron cage for a successful rescue operation. The leopard, which is around two and a half years old, has sustained some scratches on its face due to the broken glass of the salon." 5 Incidences When the Wild Cat Was Seen in and Around the City Premises, Watch Video.
Leopard in Gurgaon Village:
Spotting a leopard is not unusual in Gurugram as it is surrounded by the Aravalis, but the latest encounter with the wild cat brought it to the city. The leopard was first seen around 3 pm in the basement of a two-storey house. As locals assembled to gather, the leopard in confusion ran into a busy lane and entered a salon.
Later, forest officials were called and they used a big leopard cage to rescue the feline. The police officials also helped in the operation by controlling the traffic and crowd. The wild cat was rehabilitated in the Aravalis on Saturday morning.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 10, 2019 03:29 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website