Mumbai, December 5: Maharashtra's newly sworn-in Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis announced on Thursday, December 5, that his government will conduct a thorough review of the Ladki Bahin Yojna, a flagship welfare scheme. The scheme, which currently benefits over 24.3 million women across the state, provides a monthly cash transfer of INR 1,500 per beneficiary, costing the state INR 3,700 crore each month.
Fadnavis stated that one of the first actions of his administration would be to scrutinise the list of beneficiaries to ensure that only eligible individuals receive the benefits. "There have been complaints about beneficiaries who do not meet the required criteria. We need to conduct a proper review. This will not lead to scrapping the scheme, but we will ensure it is more targeted, similar to the PM Kisan Yojana where ineligible beneficiaries voluntarily gave up their benefits," he explained. Will Ladki Bahin Yojana Continue in Maharashtra? When Will Women Start Getting INR 2,100? CM Devendra Fadnavis Replies (Watch Video).
Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis Says Ladki Bahin Yojana To be Scrutinised
The Ladki Bahin Yojna, a major part of the state's welfare agenda, was initially budgeted at INR 46,000 crore annually. Fadnavis also confirmed that the promised increase in the monthly payout from INR 1,500 to INR 2,100, as outlined in their manifesto, would take effect from the next financial year.
Meanwhile, Deputy Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, in a separate press briefing, reassured the public that the government would not discontinue the scheme. He emphasized that the Ladki Bahin Yojna had played a pivotal role in the electoral success of the ruling alliance. “We have directed the bureaucracy to transfer the December instalment to beneficiaries immediately,” Shinde stated, adding that the November instalment had already been processed before the election code of conduct took effect. Devendra Fadnavis Signs INR 5 Lakh Assistance to Pune Patient After Becoming Maharashtra CM.
The scheme is being scrutinised at a time when the state is reviewing several welfare initiatives following the victory of the Mahayuti alliance in the recent elections.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 06, 2024 10:08 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website