Bengaluru, November 27: In a horrific incident that has emerged from Karnataka's Bengaluru, an angry husband poured hot sambar on his wife, resulting in severe burn injuries on her hand, thigh and abdomen. 48-year-old Syed Moula and wife Sana (name changed ) had been engaged in an argument over the woman asking her husband to do electrical work at the house of a senior citizen. In the heat of the moment, the accused tossed a boiling sambar from a cooker on the woman. The incident reportedly took place at around 9 pm on Tuesday, November 21.
As per Times of India report, Sana is the second wife of Moula, owner of an electrical shop. The couple resided at the HMT Layout in the Mathikere area of Bengaluru. On the fateful day, when Moula returned from his shop, his wife asked him to do some electric work at the house of an elderly man living nearby. A few days ago, the man had approached Sana about the job. Thinking that it would provide her husband with an opportunity to earn money, and this in turn, would cover the two months' overdue rent for their house, Sana told her husband to take up the electric work. Karnataka Shocker: Five Members of Family Die by Suicide in Tumakuru Due to Exorbitant Interest Rates on Rs 1.5 Lakh Loan and Alleged Harassment.
"He hadn't paid rent for two months, which made the owner ask for it. So, I insisted him to do the electric work", she told the media publication. The accused got furious at this and poured hot Sambar on his wife. He reportedly pulled her outside and tried to push her down from the parapet. He also allegedly brought a knife from the kitchen and attempted to stab her. By this time, people standing outside had gathered around the house which forced Moula to flee. Sana's elder sister, his brother's wife and one of her daughters reportedly witnessed the shocking incident. Karnataka Shocker: Spurned Lover Arrested for Killing Four of a Family Tells Cops In Udupi.
Sana was rushed to a private hospital for treatment, but later, she got herself discharged, claiming inability to pay the bills. Sana works for a political party in BK Nagar, Yeshwantpur. She also claimed that Moula didn't clear the loan which she had helped him to get from private investors during the marriage of his first wife's daughter. Police later stated that they are making efforts to arrest the accused.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 27, 2023 05:51 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website