Bengaluru, February 16: In a tragic incident a mother ended her life after her 6-month-old baby, who was suffering from a heart ailment, died at the residence in Bengaluru. The body of Pallavi (26), a resident of Krishnappa Layout near Sadduguntepalya, was found hanging in a room. According to police, Pallavi was alone at her residence with the baby after her husband went to work in the morning.
Later in the day, the baby suddenly developed problems and succumbed to ailment in front of her. The incident came to light after her husband returned from work in the evening. Pallavi had married Santhosh three years ago and he worked at the Saint John's Hospital. Punjab: Newly-Wed Woman Dies By Suicide In Ludhiana; Husband, Mother-In-Law Booked For Dowry Harassment.
Pallavi had suffered a miscarriage earlier. This time she had premature delivery at the seventh month of pregnancy and heart ailment was detected in the male infant soon after the birth. Though the baby had shown progress during the treatment, Pallavi had developed depression over this, police said.
After the death of her child, Pallavi without informing anyone, not even to her husband, hanged herself in the room. The incident had come to light after Santhosh returned home from work. The door was broken open when there was no response, said the police.
Pallavi had left a death note stating that her husband took care of her and loved her immensely. She had also written that because of her, Santhosh had to suffer a lot.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 16, 2022 08:54 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website