Bengaluru, March 7: A Bengaluru court on Saturday restrained sixty-seven media houses from airing or publishing any defamatory content against six Karnataka ministers. The restrictions were imposed on the media houses for not broadcasting or writing against the six ministers of the BS Yediyurappa-led BJP government in connection with the alleged sex-for-job scandal involving Ramesh Jarkiholi. Ramesh Jarkiholi, Karnataka Minister Embroiled In Sex Tape Scandal, Resigns On ‘Moral Grounds’; All You Need To Know. .

The suit was filed by Karnataka Ministers A Shivaram Hebbar, BC Patil, HT Somashekar, K Sudhakar, KC Narayana Gowda, and Byrathi Basavaraj. The court also restricted the media from committing any act or publishing unverified news, which causes the character assassination of the Ministers, reported The Hindu. Additional City Civil and Sessions Judge DS Vijaya Kumar passed the interim order.

The ministers moved the Bengaluru court, seeking a stay against media outlets from publishing or broadcasting anything defamatory against them. The six ministers are among the 17 MLAs who had rebelled and led to the fall of the Congress-JD(S) coalition government in July 2019, which paved the way for the BJP to come to power.

Earlier this month, A CD was released to all news channels in which major and medium water resource minister, Ramesh Jarkiholi was caught on camera with a woman in a compromising position. He resigned within 24 hours after the release of a purported sex tape.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 07, 2021 02:15 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website