Chikmagalur, July 17: In the wake of incessant rains in Karnataka, students in Chikmagalur were seen risking their lives to reach their schools. A video has surfaced which shows young students using the old log bridge to cross streams that are overflowing due to heavy rainfall, to reach their school in Kammaradi.
Heavy rainfall has created a havoc in several parts of the state, triggering flood-like situations. The villagers have been facing problems during the monsoon season as the water level in the river has gone up following a continues downpour. People have been facing great difficulty to commute and have to cross a river through a damaged bridge.
Students use log bridges to cross streams to reach school:
#WATCH: Students use log bridges to cross streams in Chikmagalur, that are overflowing due to heavy rainfall, to reach their school in Kammaradi. #Karnataka (16.07.18)
— ANI (@ANI) July 17, 2018
According to an ANI report, due to heavy rainfall during the last few days, the condition of the bridge has turned worse. People are also using boats to cross the overflowing stream. Karnataka has been lashed by heavy rains over the last couple of days with dams overflowing, giving a harrowing time to locals.
According to reports, among the various districts affected by the heavy rainfall recently is Chikmagalur, where areas such as Sringeri, Balehonnur, Narasimharajapura, Mudigere, Kudhremukh and Koppa were battered by the downpour.
In a similar incident, students of four villages in Jammu and Kashmir risk their lives every day in Udhampur district by crossing Tawi River to reach their schools. This comes after the footbridge at Kugaini near Jakhed, Dudu had washed away a month back due to the high water-levels and force of the flow.
Earlier this week, shocking visuals from Kheda district of Gujarat emerged
which showed young kids crossing a huge gap between Naika and Bherai village of the district, which once had a bridge, by walking against the wall.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 17, 2018 09:12 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website