Karnataka Shocker: Police Head Constable Crushed to Death While Trying To Stop Illegal Sand Transportation in Kalaburagi District

A police head constable, who was trying to stop illegal transportation of sand, was crushed to death in Narayanapura village in Karnataka's Kalaburagi district, police said on Friday.

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Karnataka Shocker: Police Head Constable Crushed to Death While Trying To Stop Illegal Sand Transportation in Kalaburagi District
Death Representational Purpose Only (Photo Credits: PTI)

Kalaburagi, June 16: A police head constable, who was trying to stop illegal transportation of sand, was crushed to death in Narayanapura village in Karnataka's Kalaburagi district, police said on Friday.

Acting on a tip-off about illegal transportation of sand, head constable Mysuru Chouhan and constable Pramod Dodmani went to Narayanpura village on bike at 10 p.m. on Thursday. Bihar Illegal Sand Mining: ED Seizes Rs 7.5 Crore Cash, Fixed Deposits After Raids in Money Laundering Case.

The policemen chased tractor in which sand was being transported illegally and asked its driver to stop the vehicle, who did not stop and ran over their bike. Chouhan was crushed to death while Dodmani managed to escape with minor injuries. Bihar Shocker: Woman Officer From Mining Department Dragged, Attacked by People Allegedly Involved in Illegal Sand Mining in Patna, Police Arrest 44 After Disturbing Video Goes Viral.

The accused had escaped from the spot after the incident. The Nelogi police have registered an FIR and are investigating the case. The police have taken accused Siddappa into custody and launched a hunt for another accused Sayibanna.

Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (RDPR), Information Technology and Biotechnology (IT and BT) Minister Priyank Kharge said: "I have spoken to the District Commissioner and Superintendent of Police and ordered an inquiry."

Karnataka Minister M. C. Sudhakar said: "It is very shocking and we need to take serious action against those behind it. Justice will be served." Preliminary investigation revealed that the sand was illegally mined from river Bhima. Books are written in Kannada about the notoriety in the Kalaburgi region and revenge killings are reported very often from there.

Before the Assembly polls in the state, an audio clip of an individual seeking "protection" of then MLA Priyank Kharge to carry out sand business had gone viral on social media. Priyank Kharge had flatly refused to help him and told him that he doesn't mind losing elections rather than supporting him.

Sand from basins of the Bheema, Kagina, Mullamari, Bennethora and Kamalavathi rivers in Kalaburagi district's is in demand and its price is skyrocketing day by day. Main supply is made to Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh from the bordering district of Kalaburagi.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 16, 2023 03:38 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

Karnataka Shocker: Police Head Constable Crushed to Death While Trying To Stop Illegal Sand Transportation in Kalaburagi District
Death Representational Purpose Only (Photo Credits: PTI)

Kalaburagi, June 16: A police head constable, who was trying to stop illegal transportation of sand, was crushed to death in Narayanapura village in Karnataka's Kalaburagi district, police said on Friday.

Acting on a tip-off about illegal transportation of sand, head constable Mysuru Chouhan and constable Pramod Dodmani went to Narayanpura village on bike at 10 p.m. on Thursday. Bihar Illegal Sand Mining: ED Seizes Rs 7.5 Crore Cash, Fixed Deposits After Raids in Money Laundering Case.

The policemen chased tractor in which sand was being transported illegally and asked its driver to stop the vehicle, who did not stop and ran over their bike. Chouhan was crushed to death while Dodmani managed to escape with minor injuries. Bihar Shocker: Woman Officer From Mining Department Dragged, Attacked by People Allegedly Involved in Illegal Sand Mining in Patna, Police Arrest 44 After Disturbing Video Goes Viral.

The accused had escaped from the spot after the incident. The Nelogi police have registered an FIR and are investigating the case. The police have taken accused Siddappa into custody and launched a hunt for another accused Sayibanna.

Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (RDPR), Information Technology and Biotechnology (IT and BT) Minister Priyank Kharge said: "I have spoken to the District Commissioner and Superintendent of Police and ordered an inquiry."

Karnataka Minister M. C. Sudhakar said: "It is very shocking and we need to take serious action against those behind it. Justice will be served." Preliminary investigation revealed that the sand was illegally mined from river Bhima. Books are written in Kannada about the notoriety in the Kalaburgi region and revenge killings are reported very often from there.

Before the Assembly polls in the state, an audio clip of an individual seeking "protection" of then MLA Priyank Kharge to carry out sand business had gone viral on social media. Priyank Kharge had flatly refused to help him and told him that he doesn't mind losing elections rather than supporting him.

Sand from basins of the Bheema, Kagina, Mullamari, Bennethora and Kamalavathi rivers in Kalaburagi district's is in demand and its price is skyrocketing day by day. Main supply is made to Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh from the bordering district of Kalaburagi.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 16, 2023 03:38 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

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