Lucknow, July 8: Kanpur SSP Dinesh Prabhu on Wednesday said that former Station Officer of Chaubepur Vinay Tiwari and Beat Incharge KK Sharma had informed gangster Vikas Dubey about the raid beforehand. This resulted in the death of eight policemen on July 3 encounter in Bikru village in Chaubeypur area of Kanpur. Both the policemen have been arrested, added the SSP.

Informing more, SSP Kanpur Dinesh Prabhu said, as quoted by news agency ANI, "As per evidence, it has been found that police personnel Vinay Tiwari & KK Sharma had informed Vikas Dubey about the raid beforehand. So, he was on alert and planned to attack police which resulted in the death of 8 policemen." Kanpur Encounter Case: Bounty on History-Sheeter Vikas Dubey Increased to Rs 5 Lakh by UP Police.

Here's what SSP Kanpur Dinesh Kumar Prabha said:

Earlier, Inspector General of Kanpur Range Mohit Agarwal confirmed the reports. He added that both Vinay Tiwari and KK Sharma were present during Kanpur encounter on June 3, but fled the site of the incident during the operation.

Among other developments, Haryana Police have arrested 3 men, Kartike urf Prabhat, Ankur and Shravan in Faridabad. Also, the Special Task Force (STF) of Uttar Pradesh police detained Gyanendra Prakash Nigam, alias Raju Khullar, gangster Vikas Dubey's brother-in-law from Shahdol district of Madhya Pradesh. The development arrived after Uttar Pradesh Police killed Amar Dubey and arrested Shyamu Bajpai after an encounter in Hamirpur.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 08, 2020 05:32 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website