Lucknow, October 19: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will meet the family of the Hindu Mahasabha leader Kamlesh Tiwari on Sunday, hours after former Hindutva leader's family said that they would not cremate his body until CM pays a visit. He also said that all the culprits involved in his assassination would face the strictest action. "This murder is an act to push society into terror. Our government will not allow the society to be gripped under fear and panic," he said, adding that the SIT has been formed to study the case.

Lucknow divisional commissioner Mukesh Meshram had earlier said, "The demands of relatives have been taken into consideration. They'll be provided security. Their meeting with the CM is being fixed. We're recommending a govt residence for them. The eldest son will be recommended for a job. They'll be provided with appropriate financial help." Kamlesh Tiwari Murder Case: 'Can't Trust Anyone...Want NIA to Probe Case', Says Son of Killed Hindu Samaj Party Leader.

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The 43-year-old was killed at his resident in Lucknow on Friday afternoon. The two unidentified assailants slit his throat before firing multiple rounds at him. The accused managed to escape from the spot as the guard was sent to bring snacks. Yogi Adityanath on Kamlesh Tiwari Murder: 'Attempt to Spread Terror, SIT Will Crackdown on All Culprits'.

Tiwari's family has raised questions over his murder, with former Hindutva leader's mother claiming that BJP leader Shiv Kumar Gupta had threatened him with dire consequences over a disagreement related to the construction near a temple.

Deceased's son Satyam Tiwari demanded the state government hand over the murder case to the National Investigation Agency (NIA). "We do not trust anyone. My father was killed although he had security guards. How can we possibly trust the administration then?" he said.

Earlier today, Uttar Pradesh DGP OP Singh had said that the case has been resolved. A total of five suspects have been arrested. However, the killers are still at large. Prima facie, the murder seems an act of retribution for the blasphemous remarks made by Kamlesh Tiwari against Prophet Muhammad in 2015.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 19, 2019 08:40 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website