In the latest development in a death threat case related to actor Salman Khan, the Mumbai police team and Luni police team in joint action arrested Dhakad Ram. Ishwar Chand Pareek, Police Station Officer, Luni, Jodhpur said that the accused was arrested in connection with the death threat letter sent via email to actor Salman Khan. The accused Dhakad Ram is a resident of Luni in the Jodhpur district. The officer also said that the arrested accused was wanted in the case of death threats made to late singer Sidhu Moose Wala's father. Salman Khan Gets Fresh Death Threats via Email, Mumbai Police Launch Probe, Security Beefed Up Outside Actor’s Residence.
Accused Arrested for Sending Death Threats to Salman Khan
Jodhpur,RJ | In the case registered in Bandra police station of threats to kill Salman Khan via email, the Mumbai police team & Luni police team in joint action arrested Dhakad Ram, a resident of Luni in Jodhpur district: Ishwar Chand Pareek, Police Station Officer, Luni, Jodhpur
— ANI MP/CG/Rajasthan (@ANI_MP_CG_RJ) March 26, 2023
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