Ranchi, December 27: A bizarre incident has come to light from Jharkhand’s Daltonganj where the doctors reportedly cut the private parts of a patient who came with a urinary problem. The doctors and the hospital staff fled the spot after the patient and his family members created a ruckus inside the hospital premises. The victim was then admitted to a government hospital for advanced treatment. Bihar Shocker: Doctors Perform Tubectomy Without Giving Anesthesia to Female Patients, NCW Seeks Revocation of Their Licenses.

According to the reports, the 50-year-old patient was suffering from problems with urinating. He reached the hospital for the treatment of his problem. The private hospital told him that a minor operation has to be done. The patient agreed and surgery on his private part was carried out. He was later shifted to the general ward after the surgery. At night, the man woke up to use the toilet but he started feeling difficulty urinating. Much to his surprise, he found out that his genitals had been cut. The man told his family members who then created a ruckus inside the hospital. UP Shocker: Surgeries Without Surgeons at Private Hospital in Bijnor, Sealed.

The hospital staff first tried to calm them down but fled after the ruckus intensified. As per the reports, a doctor told a media outlet that the patient actually underwent an operation called circumcision surgery. The doctors excised a part of his genitals during the surgery. The patient, however, got scared after finding swelling in his private parts and thought that his genitals were cut off.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 27, 2022 10:40 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).