Hazaribagh, June 10: 11 people died and 25 got injured after a speeding double-decker bus rammed into a truck following a brake failure on Monday morning at NH-2 near Hazaribagh in Jharkhand, police said."The bus was running at a speed of 120 km/h when we got to know that the breaks are not working. The bus driver tried to control the speeding bus but it rammed into a truck coming from the opposite side. The lower deck of the bus got completely damaged and the passengers were pulled out from the bus after the accident," an injured passenger Saurabh Kumar told ANI.
"I heard the bus driver shouting that the breaks are not working and we should save ourselves, both the conductor and bus driver tried to save the passengers but they couldn't because there was no way to stop the speeding bus," another injured passenger told ANI. Jharkhand: Kabbadi Player Vikesh Kumar Rawat Killed in a Road Accident in Deoghar District.
DSP Manish Kumar said, "We have visited the accident spot with the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) team earlier as well, and that spot has been declared as a 'Black Spot' because at least 150 people have died in a road accident in last six months on the same spot. We will be visiting the accident spot again with NHAI team for further research after this incident."Few of the injured passengers are said to be in a critical condition and they have been shifted to Ranchi for further treatment.